Wednesday, July 11, 2007

HOw it all happened!!

For most of you who don't know about Sam and I i'll give you a short spill, Before this all began Sam and I met thru Online at and from there we came really good friends for about 8mths then we decided to meet officially in person from then on sam and I have been dating now and we are offically married, Sam and I dated for about 10mths before we were engaged in February then we were married as of JUly 7, 2007. Sam and I are officially Home buyers as well and we are very happy!!!

One of My Favorite!!

Sam and I

* LOVE IT! *

mom and I

My mom and I taking a picture before the Reception starts!! how fun!


the kids with sam I am!! his two neices now with his new one on the left which is Shantell and Chloe on the Right! (which is his brother's girl)


The beautiful cake Shanna My sister did for me for my Wedding Present! also the After affect hahah!! FUN!


The Picture of it all said and done!


I never thought I'd see this Day for a long time!! Ha Ha though it looks like I made it and I'll have to say I am one lucky girl to be with such a lucky guy!! Sam and I both fell for each other the moment we met we new it was love at first SIGHT!!