Sunday, January 10, 2010


Wow!! long time since i've blogged!! yes i know, its been forever.. oh well right, i've got a busy life, i work play mom and play wife so i'm very busy!! Went to church today haven't been in awhile and it felt good.... greydie turns 1 on the 1st of February!! Wow i can't believe how fast that year has gone, its nut to think that i want another one but then again, i think about all of this lovely no sleep and getting into everything stage.. lol... but its what it takes to be a mom, Men definitely couldn't do it! lol... j/k... however, whats happened recently not much really had a good x'mas and enjoyed the family!! i defintely need to upload some pictures, does anybody find it hard to load pictures without a printer.. i feel like, even though they have nothing to do with the printer.. but i feel like if i had my whole setup i'd be good to go.. and things would be so much easier!!! gosh oh BTW i really want a cricket bad!! anyways i'm super tired its 10pm wow.. i will try to remember to blog again!!! oh and also i'm having a party (sex) this wed the 13th.. very excited friends/family welcome to come... she comes pretty stocked so if you wanna come just email me or let me know!! thanks.. .good night!